3 Secrets To Getting Into Movie Star Shape

Had an epic idea last week.

Normally I only do live calls for my private clients.

But I thought it would be cool to start the year off with a bang…

A LIVE training where I’ll reveal the “3 Secrets To Getting Into Movie Star Shape (2023 UPDATED)”.

If you’re the type of person who:

  • Starts strong but falls off the wagon by week 2, sending you back to square one
  • Struggles to cut stubborn belly fat
  • Has a hard time hitting your strength goals
  • And fights to keep track of your calories without sacrificing your social life…

I’ll be sharing some psychological fixes that will help you blast past the 2-week invisible ceiling where many fall off.

Here’s why I’m so excited about this:

It’s happening LIVE, and it’s 100% free.

Fair warning, I might turn this into a paid program and charge no less than $197 for it in the future, so don’t miss out while it’s free.

The catch?

We can only host 250 people in our Zoom account, and attendance is by INVITATION ONLY.

So, if you want first dibs on the training that will give you the keys to a movie star physique and the fixes to nuke the stuff that’s holding you back from being truly happy with your body and life.

When: Thursday, Feb 9 @ 7pm EST

(only 250 seats are available and I’ll soon be announcing this on my Instagram with almost a million people, so act fast!)

Talk Soon,

Greg O’Gallagher


I’ll also send out an invitation here in my email newsletter.

Invitations go out soon.

Look for that email.

For a limited time…

Sign up for my email newsletter, and I’ll send you – “The Thor Workout Program” for FREE. A 3-day per week workout with an emphasis on building powerful shoulders and traps.

*Simply enter your email address, and I’ll send it right over.