This past Spring I got a massage.
Hadn’t had one in a while.
I get this idea…
I’ll do three Nitros.
It’s good for blood flow to get the blood moving for this massage.
Then, the woman giving me the massage walks in.

And sure enough, this woman is pretty damn attractive.
28, maybe 29 years old.
She’s looking pretty hot (pretty, pretty good).
And we’re doing the massage.
I’m on my stomach in the beginning, and it’s all good.
I turn over.
She starts working the inner thighs.
And I get a full-on f*cking iron rod.
I have a raging hard-on the whole time with some Enya or some shit playing in the background.

So I have to lay there for like another 45 minutes with a straight face.
She is giving me a massage and doing her best to pretend I’m not pitching a tent.
The lesson?
Do NOT take Nitro before a massage!
It is a massive mistake.
I learned the HARD way (pun intended).
I frickin love nitro.
The pumps it gives me in the gym are incredible.
I recommend you take it with Mojo.
You can get these bundled together in The Mojo Stack.

Nitro is not only good for blood flow, the ingredients are potent anti-oxidants that combat free radicals and improve the appearance of your skin.
You will notice a big difference in your appearance the longer you take it.
And you already know Mojo is the best natural T booster to hit the market.
We have the testimonials to prove it.
So grab The Mojo Stack.
Just make sure and take AFTER getting a massage.
The tent pitching risk is too great, LMAO.
Talk Soon,
Greg O’Gallagher
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