Carl Got Shredded Last Year. WOW!

Here’s a perfect example of the power of steady fat loss.

How losing 1 pound per week, over time, can make a dramatic difference.

Last year, Carl signed up for Kinobody Coaching.

He started with us on Jan 1st of 2023.

Weighed 163 pounds when he began.

Sliced off 13 lbs of fat in the last 12 weeks while getting stronger (roughly 1 pound per week).

This steady fat-loss approach works wonders.

His physique is looking chiseled while being 13 pounds lighter.

Carl is thrilled.

“I wish I did this when I first started lifting in my early 20’s because I feel like I wasted so much time spinning my wheels doing what I thought random trainers on steroids and Menshealth told me I needed to do.”

I know I can get you similar results to Carl.

My goal is to solve fitness for you COMPLETELY.

And I’ve created a new coaching group to make this happen.

Kino VIP (Charter Membership)

Instead of charging $3,000+ like we have in the past…

It’s just $99 per month.

We will raise the price at some point.

But you can lock in this low price if you join soon.

See you on the inside!

Talk Soon,

Greg O’Gallagher

For a limited time…

Sign up for my email newsletter, and I’ll send you – “The Thor Workout Program” for FREE. A 3-day per week workout with an emphasis on building powerful shoulders and traps.

*Simply enter your email address, and I’ll send it right over.