One of Our Most Dramatic Transformations

I got a crazy transformation to share.

I just want to emphasize that these incredible results are not typical.

Bridger TRIPLED his Free T on Mojo.

He went from 5.6 to 16.9!

The reason it was possible for his free T levels to triple is that his total T levels were at 795.

With that high of Total T…

His Free T levels should have been at 14-15.

  • Total testosterone – refers to the overall amount of testosterone circulating in the bloodstream.
  • Free testosterone – refers to the portion of testosterone that is not bound to proteins and is therefore, available for the body to use

Bridger was in a situation where he should have been able to unlock more testosterone.

Here’s his blood work from before taking Mojo.

His total T is really high.

His free T is at 56 pg/ml measurement.

This converts to 5.6 ng/dL.

This is super low.

Someone with this low of free T typically only has a total T level of 265.

His total testosterone is close to 800.

Based on his high total T levels, this low level of free T was an issue.

The Tongkat Ali, Boron, and Zinc in Mojo fixed this issue and this is why his Free T levels skyrocketed.

He has now added 8 pounds of muscle and hitting PRs like crazy.

This amount of muscle makes a DRAMATIC impact.

People assumed he added a lot more than 8 pounds of muscle.

One guy assumed he got up to 225 pounds (he’s actually 169 in that after pic).

In addition to taking Mojo, Bridger added muscle to the areas of his body that make a big f*ckn difference.

His shoulders, upper chest, back, and arms filled in dramatically.

This is all due to combining the right training program with this increase in testosterone.

Speaking of programs…

We have a 3 Day Per Week workout program called “Mojo Mastery”.

We offered it 2 months ago and here’s your chance to get it again.

It is part of a 30-Day Mojo Mastery Challenge.

This includes two things:

  • The Mojo & Nitro Stack
  • The Mojo Mastery Program

The price of the Mojo & Nitro Stack is $97.

*If you pick up this Stack, we are throwing in The Mojo Mastery course for FREE.

So only $97 TOTAL to be part of this challenge.

Grab it here…

Grab Mojo & Nitro Stack (Get $97 Mojo Mastery for FREE)

This program comes with an online “skool” where you can interact with other Kino Warriors on this same mission.

It’s awesome.

If you want to be part of this group?

Simply go to this page and order the stack.

Grab Mojo & Nitro Stack (Get $97 Mojo Mastery for FREE)

See ya there!

Talk Soon,

Greg O’Gallagher

For a limited time…

Sign up for my email newsletter, and I’ll send you – “The Thor Workout Program” for FREE. A 3-day per week workout with an emphasis on building powerful shoulders and traps.

*Simply enter your email address, and I’ll send it right over.