My “30-Day Challenge”… Are You In?

Last year, I released a 30-day challenge.

It was about living a lifestyle to dramatically increase your testosterone.

It was wildly successful.

I opened up 1,000 spots.

And we filled up all 1,000 spots in a little over a week.

It was a system revealing everything I’ve figured out over the past 10 years to increase your testosterone naturally in just 30 days.

I’m doing this again but with a tweak (keep reading)…

The name of the program?

“The 30-Day Mojo Mastery Challenge”.

I’ve been in the fortunate position to have helped tens of thousands of guys build their dream physique.

Since I’ve been able to look at thousands of transformations, I began to spot patterns.

With my programs…

I found that there were two groups of guys.

  1. Some would rapidly respond to my methods, get shredded, and build lean, chiseled muscle in 4-6 months.
  2. Others would lag behind and eventually build a killer physique, but it took MUCH longer than it should have.

At first, I thought maybe guys weren’t following my blueprints.

Eventually, I learned it was a more serious issue.

The guys who got these slow results had low levels of Free Testosterone.

They were fighting an uphill battle.

They also had higher estrogen levels.

At first, I didn’t realize these “slow responders” had low T levels because only a tiny percentage of guys get their blood work tested.

This changed a couple of years ago.

In Spring of 2022, I went on the “More Plates, More Dates” Youtube channel.

Derek went over my blood work.

I did this blood work as undeniable proof that I’m a natural and then challenged other people in the fitness industry to do the same.

After this video went live…

Something unexpected happened.

A much larger percentage of Kino Warriors also began getting their blood tested.

This put me in a unique position.

I bet I’ve seen more blood work results than 99% of current fitness coaches.

(Is there no one else? LMAO)

It’s been a f*cking incredible experience!

Two years ago, I knew very little about what numbers to look for, what is good, bad, etc.

Fast forward two years…

Now, I’ve seen so many different versions of blood work (from different countries, in different languages, etc.)

I gotta say…

I’m pretty good at decoding these now.

I also know exactly how to help guys significantly increase Free T levels.

If you have been on my list for any time at all…

You obviously know about Mojo.

But to truly maximize T levels, you need to take the right actions as well.

When you get this right, you become a fast responder.

Maximizing your T levels, especially your Free T, is what will make it easy for you to be strong as hell, lean, and chiseled.

THIS is exactly what is needed for f*ckn dramatic 4-month transformations.

I opened Mojo Mastery last year as a 30-Day Challenge.

This time, I’m doing it again but with a twist.

The NEW Mojo Mastery will include the same 30-Day fast start.

  • 30-day gym routine to build a movie star physique
  • 30-day nutrition plan to optimize hormonal output
  • Strategies for avoiding endocrine disruptors (super important)
  • The ideal supplement stack

But this time around we will continue past 30 Days.

I’m also brining my coaches in.

And I’m going to do a monthly call where we not only discuss fitness, but dating, style, increasing confidence, money and business approaches, etc.

I want to make this my home for guys who want to get the most out of life and network with other guys with similar goals.

So, what is the price?

The price of this will be $99 per month.

And this $99 includes The Mojo stack ($75 value).

I know if guys follow the tips in the NEW Mojo Mastery AND take this stack (which is included) they are virtually guaranteed to get insane results.

This combo is absolutely incredible.

I think the combo of this program combined with this stack is going to be a game-changer for people.

The Mojo Stack alone is already helping guys get stellar results.

But the idea of someone combining Mojo & Nitro with a pish-posh routine makes my stomach turn.

This is why you need the whole system.

Get the New Mojo Mastery Complete Sytem

Again, we are lanching this at $99/month.

With plans to increase the price for new members once we hit a certain number of members.

Eventually it will be a $249 per month system so…

Lock in charter member price today.

Talk Soon,

Greg O’Gallagher