Streamline, Simplify, and Get Shredded

You have probably heard of NVIDIA, right?

It’s a company that sells GPUs for things like Crypto mining, robotics, AI, etc.

It’s huge…

And just going to get bigger.

What I love about the NVIDIA story was how it was thought up in 1993 in a Denny’s booth.

Denny’s put a plaque on that booth.

This Denny’s is located somewhere in San Jose, CA.

I mainly just go to Southern Cal…

So probably won’t get to see this in person.

I guess these guys drew up plans with a pen on a napkin

Stayed up late in that corner booth.

Who knows if it is true, but sometimes the biggest ideas don’t need to take hundreds of pages.

I really enjoy the idea of a massive world-changing idea outlined on a napkin.

I took this approach when re-writing Warrior Shred (FREE for now).

I wanted it to be short.

It’s a 23-page pdf.

You can read it in like 10-15 minutes max.

And refer back to it.

Then, you will receive 8 weeks of follow-up emails to expand on concepts.

It’s brief but POWERFUL.

I can picture myself years from now finishing a meal in a diner…

And explaining on a napkin these Warrior Shred concepts to a kid who’s just begun lifting.

His reaction “Mister, aren’t you going to add more exercises to these workouts?”

My answer…

Don’t complicate or add to this.

Grab the program while it is free.

Follow the workout and diet strategy as outlined.

It may seem too simple.

But simplifying, and focusing on the exercises that matter most is EXACTLY what most guys need right now.

We will most likely charge for this at some point in 2024.

So grab it ASAP.

Warrior Shred 2024 Updated Version (FREE)

The only thing I ask is to take a “before” pic today.

Can’t wait to see the “before and afters” that come out of this!

Talk Soon,

Greg O’Gallagher

For a limited time…

Sign up for my email newsletter, and I’ll send you – “The Thor Workout Program” for FREE. A 3-day per week workout with an emphasis on building powerful shoulders and traps.

*Simply enter your email address, and I’ll send it right over.