If you lack muscle, the fall is the time to build it.
During the various holidays, you typically will be in a calorie surplus.
It’s hard to avoid with all the family events.
In addition to that…
There are at least a few studies[1][2] showing that testosterone levels peak in October.

So instead of dieting hard and fighting the trend…
I recommend taking advantage of this and use this as a time to gain muscle.
Enjoy the extra food.
Increase the weight in key lifts week-after-week.
Spend October, November, December, and January packing on muscle.
If you are a beginner to intermediate lifter?
You can realistically gain 10 pounds of muscle in that time.
This is exactly why I created the Greek God Program.
*Get 50% OFF – Use Coupon Code: troy50

Greek God was designed to help you get close to your genetic limits quickly.
This is the program that will get you out of your lifting rut.
So many people go to the gym and lift the same weights year after year… and you can only barely tell they lift weights.
It pains me to see guys who have lifted for 3+ years and who are stuck at beginner level.
Like they can’t even bench press 225 for reps.
Greek God is the program that puts an end to this gym mediocrity.
I’m currently running a 50% OFF Sale for my 32nd birthday.
Greek God (50% OFF Birthday Sale)
*Use Coupon Code: troy50
This ends TONIGHT!
So grab it now.
Talk Soon,
Greg O’Gallagher
For a limited time…
Sign up for my email newsletter, and I’ll send you – “The Thor Workout Program” for FREE. A 3-day per week workout with an emphasis on building powerful shoulders and traps.
*Simply enter your email address, and I’ll send it right over.