I think people underestimate how lean you need to look to get under 10% body fat.
I’d say most guys who claim to be at 10%…
Are probably closer to 12-15% body fat.
Here are 3 things to look for to tell if you are possibly 10% or under.
- You get a lot of vascularity (even veins on lower abs)
- Face gets chiseled and angular & jawline pops out more
- Muscles look more defined, and you should be able to see striations
When you are below 10%, you should be able to see individual muscle fibers when the muscle contracts.
As an example, look at my delts when I’m doing lateral raises.

*My face is looking lean here too.
It’s a f*ckn blast training when body fat is low.
Gyms are full of guys who are stuck with about 15-20 pounds of fat to lose.
It’s sad because it’s such an easy fix.
Here’s all they would need to do.
- Fast for the first part of the day
- Take a serving of Octane to kill hunger and provide steady energy 2-3 hours after waking up.
- Drink a cup of coffee and Kino Aminos 15-30 minutes before lifting weights
- Drink a serving of Kino Collagen Protein after the workout along with Kino Mojo
- Eat a big dinner with Protein, Fat, and Carbs
Yes, I included a lot of my supplements, but this is because I believe in them 100%.
It’s exactly what I did to hit 6% body fat.
For less than the cost of an average lunch ($6-$7), you can take these supplements instead and look dramatically better in just 1-2 months.
Muscle and strength are retained, testosterone is boosted, life is better.
An easy choice.
Talk Soon,
Greg O’Gallagher
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