To attract high-quality people into your life, you need to have higher standards.
Not just for yourself…
But for people around you as well.
The other day I made a Youtube short about a pet peeve of mine.

*Vaping is f*cking terrible for you.
If you are out on a date with a girl…
It’s a HUGE red flag if she can’t get through dinner without taking a puff from her JUUL.
It’s low value.
If your frame is like, “No this is not cool, we’re not f*ckn JUULing. That stuff is trash.”
If you make a stong frame?
And if she cares about you, she will quit.
If she doesn’t make an attempt to quit, this is a huge red flag.
I recommend moving on.

This sounds harsh but when you say “no” to things that don’t meet your standards, good sh*t starts to happen.
You attract other high-quality people with high standards.
Better women.
Friends with strong goals in life.
You need to have high standards for yourself as well.
This is why I created Movie Star Body Accelerator.

I’m looking for guys who are ready to take their physique to the next level.
Not just look decent…
I’m talking about maximizing your genetic potential in months, NOT years.
I made a video about it here…
The Movie Star Body Accelerator
I can help you become in the top 1% of all men when it comes to having a chiseled physique with a v-taper that attracts women.
Your discipline will get strengthened as well.
You can use this to create momentum in ALL areas of your life.
It really is that powerful.
Talk Soon,
Greg O’Gallagher
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