I wanted to show you what can happen if you build momentum.
Mike H. went from 173 pounds…
…to 148 pounds in just 4 months!
He transformed his physique by losing 25 pounds of fat.
Actually, probably more than 25 pounds of fat since he added muscle.

*He went from flabby and pear-shaped to a f*ckn chiseled v-taper.
He ate 10-12 calories per pound of bodyweight.
Aimed for 100 grams of protein per day.
In his words:
“I was in denial that I still had 10 lbs of fat to lose. I could have never guessed I had 25 lbs of fat to lose when I rededicated to getting lean back in March. But this was the easiest cut ever. It all came down to mindset. Process over Outcome. Relentless baby steps. Focus on winning THIS day, every day. Zero quit.”
Mike struggled to get lean for several years.
Once he nailed down the mindset, followed the program, and built momentum, his physique changed overnight.
Let me help you get shredded in just 4 months.
Grab the flagship Kinobody Program *at 50% OFF for the next few days*.
Movie Star Masterclass (50% OFF + bonuses)
I decided to do this since the Kino App launch was delayed until May.
It’s late, but is going to be incredible.
Here’s the deal.
- Get Movie Star Masterclass for $149 (Normally $297)
- Get “4 Month Physique Mastery Program” for FREE
- Get 50% off the Kino App yearly subscription (launches in May)
The amount you are saving on Masterclass will more than cover your subscription to the App.
You also get the exact program I’ve been using to get in the best shape of my life.

The program I’m using now is called the “4 Month Physique Mastery Program”.
Get that for FREE if you act today.
Movie Star Masterclass (50% OFF Plus Bonuses)
My favorite transformations take place in the Spring.
People stick to their workout and diet plans since summer is so close.
Start today, and you can be lean and chiseled by summer.
Talk Soon,
Greg O’Gallagher