NEW Kinobody Recurring Affiliate Program

Hope you are enjoying your Sunday.

Just a quick heads up.

We just finished setting up the new version of our affiliate program.

It’s 20% recurring commissions.

  • You will get paid each month a person who buys a Kino Supplement from your link re-orders (people who subscribe to a supplement).
  • You will also get paid on one-time orders.

We quietly launched an affiliate program last year that paid 25% one-time.

Here are some of the top affiliates.

If you are part of our original affiliate program, your links still work, and you will continue to earn commissions, so no worries there.

But I recommend signing up for this new program since the earning potential is greater.

This program pays 20% recurring on all supplements.

But the thing I’m most excited about is we are also paying 20% recurring on the Mojo Mastery system. This is huge…

*This is almost $20 monthly for each Mojo Mastery subscriber who buys through your link (will be much more than $20 per month as we increase the price of the system).

We are going to add so much value to Mojo Mastery…

People are going to get incredible results with the system and stick around.

You can feel GREAT recommending this…

Because I’m going to work my ass off to make this an unmatched system for success in fitness and beyond (dating, business, mindset, etc.)

We also offer 20% on supplement subscriptions.

But I’d recommend getting your Affiliate Link for Mojo Mastery ASAP.

You can do that here.

NEW Kinobody Affiliate Program

It’s $20 per month now, but it could be $30, $40, or $50 per month as the price to join will increase over time.

Even just putting an affiliate link in your bio on Twitter, IG, etc… can earn you passive income.

So, get your Mojo Mastery affiliate links in place.

Talk Soon,

Greg O’Gallagher


The system we are using has a “30-day cookie”.

What this means is if someone clicks on your affiliate link and buys one of our supplements or Mojo Mastery within 30 days of clicking your link…

You will still get credit for the sale.

I got my start as a fitness affiliate, and the affiliate programs that used cookies worked well for me.

This makes a big difference.

NEW Kinobody Affiliate Program

For a limited time…

Sign up for my email newsletter, and I’ll send you – “The Thor Workout Program” for FREE. A 3-day per week workout with an emphasis on building powerful shoulders and traps.

*Simply enter your email address, and I’ll send it right over.